Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Flowfield Unity

Readily reminiscent of repetitive pop art, The Flowfield Unity is one of my favorite comics. Introspective without being cold, intelligent without being pretentious, this simple black and write strip captivated me immediately.

The artwork is simplistic but more than adequate to carry the intent of each strip and looks as though it's completed entirely with black Sharpie markers. No small feat for some of the darker strips when the absence of black creates the outlines of objects within the panel. While the artwork isn't amazing, it's really the artistic nature of the layout and composition that makes the strip visually appealing.

More than the art, of course, is the writing. Typically rhythmic, sometimes even to the point of rhyming verse, the writing has a ponderous nature. Occasionally the strip runs on highly intellectual puns, more often than not it's fueled by introspection, memory, and imagination. I often find myself reading over the archives and allowing my mind to wander with each strip, using them as springboards for my own wandering mind.

The Store seems to be down, though the creator is kind enough to offer scribbled in books for sale to anyone that contacts him. The Extras Page is unfortunately similarly bare, though more freebies are promised and requests are kindly solicited. Um... okay, the links page is also blank; though there are a number of links in the Friends section. I have full faith, however, that the state of web site affairs is temporary and only due to a pending redesign. Admittedly, I'm biased.

Mr. Gregory also has two animations available through YouTube: The Corporate Machine and My Black Dog. Both animations are worth watching and I hope he'll produce more in the future.

Without a doubt I believe The Flowfield Unity is one of the best webcomic finds on the net. Of course, that could just be because I'm a huge nerd.